SPRINGFIELD – Across Illinois, tens of thousands of people found to be in possession of a weapon unlawfully are charged with crimes like unlawful use of a weapon or labeled armed habitual criminals – despite the fact that more than half of these individuals have never been convicted of a crime of violence. That’s why State Senator Javier Cervantes is moving legislation to retitle these charges to more accurately reflect the nature of the crimes.
“This directly affects minority communities around the state, and by changing the name of these offenses, we can more accurately assess the crimes committed,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “Most people reading a criminal history would assume that unlawful use of a weapon indicates far more dangerous activity than in reality, but making this change can provide clarity and ensure those assumptions don’t prevent people from accessing services later in life.”
According to Cabrini Green Legal Aid, more than 86,500 people were arrested and more than 33,000 were convicted of unlawful use of a weapon in Illinois since 2009. This disproportionately impacts people and communities of color, with Black individuals comprising 69% of all people arrested for UUW, and negatively affects people’s ability to secure housing and employment.
SPRINGFIELD – To make canceling physical fitness services easier for customers, State Senator Javier Cervantes is moving legislation to require these services have easy and simple ways to cancel a contract.
“This is a simple matter of updating business practices to fit with modern times,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “Giving consumers simple and efficient methods to cancel their subscription or contract is one way we can ensure residents are not falling victim to automatically renewing payments for services they no longer use.”
Under the new legislation, businesses offering physical fitness services like gym memberships would need to allow customers to cancel their contract either online or by email, instead of only by mail.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Javier Cervantes is leading legislation to direct over $16 million in state funding to a program that would provide grants to independent living centers.
“Folks in our community that live in independent living centers understand the need for improvements and funding for our centers across Illinois,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “We are advocating for better funding for our residents who need these services in order to live independently, and Illinois needs to invest in their future.”
Independent living centers offer core services like counseling, skills training, referrals and more to empower people with disabilities to live and participate fully in their communities. Senate Bill 3214 would direct $16,358,900 to the Illinois Department of Human Services’ Rehabilitation Services Bureau for grants to independent living centers – a $10 million increase from the prior year’s budget.
SPRINGFIELD – To continue his commitment to union workers across Illinois, State Senator Javier Cervantes and members of the Senate Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing Wednesday to discuss a measure that would further protect the labor rights of frontline and direct support staff.
“With this legislation we are making sure residents with developmental disabilities do not see an interruption in their services from direct care service agencies,” said Cervantes. “This applies to programs in the Division for Developmental Disabilities and provides workers with collective bargaining tools while benefiting the workplace environment for many of our essential services in Illinois.”
To ensure the continued, uninterrupted provision of services to people with developmental disabilities in Illinois, Cervantes is leading a measure to bring this type of agreement to the state’s home- and community-based services programs.
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